
Human Formation with Bishop Eugene Hurley: The challenge of fostering authentic humanity in both public ministry and personal life 


Need a break? We have a house in Terrigal for you to stay at during the year.


SLIconnect is the education ministry of Saint Luke Institute based in the United States.  They offer resources for Catholic clergy, religious and lay leadership designed by experts in psychological and spiritual health.


Appraisals help to affirm and empower a priest in his ministry through recognition of his accomplishments.

Health and Fitness

Taking care of your physical health will give you more energy to minister more effectively and enjoy life. Stay healthy with one of these suggestions.


Enjoying a film is a great way to relax and take a break. Read movie reviews for suggestions of what film to watch next.


Safeguarding Training (Intranet login required)

Parish Support Training (Intranet login required)

Trash or Treasure? View Photo Gallery