
Pastoral Formation with Fr Morgan Batt: Strategies for life, ministry and evangelisation in a culturally diverse church

Clergy Profiles & Stories

Listen to the stories of priests of our Archdiocese sharing their experience of priestly life.

Homilies & Bulletin Content

Tips for preparing and delivering a good homily and ideas to spark inspiration for your homily, as well as offerings that could be used for content in your parish bulletin.

5 Do’s and Don’ts

Bishop Tony Randazzo shares his 5 do’s and don’ts for delivering a good homily.


Archdiocesan Information about Baptism, Confirmation, including Confirmation Calendar for 2018, Weddings, Funerals, and assisting those discerning their vocation.

Special Blessings Prayers

Suggested prayers for Blessings for special occasions or events, i.e. Mother’s/Father’s Day, Year 12 Students, etc.

Scripture Readings and Missals

UniversalisThis site provides text for the Liturgy of the Hours, and does all the calendar calculations for you, and presents you with the psalms and readings for each hour of today, every day.

EWTN – Daily Mass Readings in a simple easy-to-read format

iPriest Roman MissalThe Complete Roman Missal as an eBook, accessible on your smart phones or tablets (iPad, etc.)

A word of gratitude from young people of our Archdiocese